2013년 5월 15일 수요일

week 10 homework: how to be kinder to environment?


This report is intended to suggest several ways that we can do to be environmentally-friendly as university studentsnot just a university but Chongshin. Among the 50 ways on the website, 7 ways that are applicable and can be actually practiced are presented.

1.     SLEEP MODE?

If you used to leave your computer in sleep mode at night, try to turn off it from today. You can save “40 watt-hours per day”, which means “4 cents a day, or $14 per year”.


We tend to waste paper napkins carelessly. Have you ever seen how Jackie Chan, a famous movie star, uses napkins? Go search for the documentary of him, which is made in Korea. You would find the role model of napkin user. He wipes the sweat, cleans his mouth, and sweeps the table with only one napkin.


It is very kind of you to take a shower instead of a bath. The next level is to take a shorter shower. You can reduce both water and energy used to heat water.


“Second-hand doesn’t mean second-best”. Being environmentally-friendly, you can enjoy the treasure hunting experience. TIP: Go to second-handed store in Express Bus Terminal Station and be the fashion leader.


It keeps your drink warm and let you be healthier. Go to coffee shop and ask them to fill your cup. Look awesome while being eco-friendly person.


Many organizations support online-bill-service nowadays. For example, you can receive your smart phone bill and check your fee. It helps you save papers and check your fee easier and faster.

7.     SHARE!

“Many hands make light work”. “Take what you’ve learned, and pass the knowledge on to others. If every person you know could take one small step toward being greener, the collective effort could be phenomenal.”

           In addition, don’t smoke. It messes up both you and the others. I believe none of the readers of this article smokes.

All of those above are from the website http://www.50waystohelp.com/ . See the ways, share them out, and save the earth. 

2013년 5월 9일 목요일

week 9 optional: Try this course!

  I have a few optional courses in this semester. One of them is called ‘The understanding of the play and the movie’, though I’m not sure if it’s correctly translated. When I plan my schedule, I chose it because merely I heard that there is no mid-term exam. Another reason was that I like to watch movies.

   Instead of the mid-term, however, there was a report assignment about the play. I had to go to Daehak-ro(대학로) to watch a play. It was quite bothering because there was so far from both the Chongshin University and my place. I also had to arrange time for it among the mid-term period. Moreover, I expected the lecture to be about the movie so that I don’t have to study for it, but it was almost about the play.

   Despite all of these, I am very satisfied by the class. The play was an attractive genre than my thought, and understanding the play was such an instructive thing. In the most valuable works, I could learn what life is like and how to live as a human. It was interesting that the writers had nothing to do with Christianity but the themes were very close to what we are supposed to concern about. Furthermore, I could thoroughly consider about the biblical view of the culture and the human. The most fascinating part, however, was the professor. I felt like I was watching an entertaining show every class. Literally, his motion, gesture, face and words were like comedian. It was very amusing. In addition, the lectures were not really difficult to understand.

   The class is both on Mondays and Tuesdays, and in each class there are about 8-90 students. Now I know why. It’s totally worth taking it. If you didn’t pass the course, I strongly recommend you to try. I’m sure you won’t be disappointed as long as you have the least interest and passion.

week 9 homework: Lecture Review

Joachim de Posada: Don't eat the marshmallow!

   In the lecture, Joachim de Posada talks about an outstanding experiment on self-discipline which was done in Stanford. The experiment presented how the reaction of the kids who were told not to eat the marshmallow in front of them for 15 minutes to get another one and the future success are related. In the follow-up study 14-5 years later, those who had not eaten the marshmallow was reported living successful lives. In addition, Dr. de Posada got exactly the same result from the another same experiment in Colombia. Perhaps many of you already heard of this study as Dr. de Posada says that he wrote a book of it and spread into Korea. Nonetheless, I recommend you to watch this video again. To see how kids were trying their hardest not to eat marshmallow is both funny and impressive. Also, it must be helpful to keep this in mind when you teach little kids in your future.

To watch the video, click!

2013년 5월 2일 목요일

week 8 homework: how to do a spin move in basketball


I found the instructional video about 'how to do a spin move in basketball' on the Youtube. It gives quite detail information and easy to understand. You'll see both the motion example of the player and the caption with stop motion. The best part is that the speaker uses EASY ENGLISH so that you won't have problem in listening comprehension. The only reservation is that the player looks somewhat feeble. It may demotivate you. All the same, it's helpful.

I took some notes to arrange the steps in order.

(* It is basically for the right-handed people.)

1. dribble lowly but powerfully before meeting the defender

2. lower your left shoulder into the defender to make a fake direction while protecting the ball

3. plant with left foot and shift your body weight

4. push off your right toe to rotate your body

5. spin tight and quick (don't swing out your right leg too wide)

6. keep the ball close to your body

7. pass to your open teammate, or drive to the hoop and take a shot

To see the original video, click the link below:
