2013년 3월 15일 금요일

   I can't forget this ridiculous experience happened 2 days ago. I was in the 'Calvinism and Faith' class of professor La(라). The professor came in with 2-3 boxes and said ,
 "Here are books. I'll call and check your name. If you are called, answer me and come to buy a book."
He began to call the students' name and students started to move. When I saw a book, I couldn't help being shocked. The book was huge and it was about 15cm thick. The most ridiculous part was the title of the book written on its green, horrible hard cover: 'Easy-to-know-Institutes of Christian Religion'. Moreover, it was 45,000won! I turned on my laptop and changed that class with one of another professor which is at 5-6 periods on Fridays. I wanted to go out when he gave a break, but he gave no break.
   This is my story. It was quite a brief moment, but enough to embarass me. Thing were gone fine so I'm happy now. I just hope not to meet him again.

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