3. Reading: Read two different reviews of the same movie. Upload your report here on Educlass.
Review 1
Web address:
Writer’s opinion of the movie:
Improbably, Good Will Hunting works. It succeeds in being both touching and funny, and if you enter the cinema with even the tiniest amount of good will, you're guaranteed to exit this movie with a whole lot more.
Write at least 3 useful phrases that you found on the site:
-Facing a jail sentence for his latest run-in with the law
-makes for a preposterous pitch.
-liberally stuffed with dazzle and wit.
-Indie maverick Gus Van Sant chooses to shoot Good Will Hunting pretty straight.
Review 2
Web address:
Writer’s opinion of the movie:
Mature teens will appreciate this story, written by its appealing two stars, of a brilliant young man with a troubled past.
Write at least 3 useful phrases that you found on the site:
-with a troubled past
-who grew up as an abused foster child in tough South Boston
-only to find that he is in jail for hitting a policeman.
-a string of therapists
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